inspection tool(inspection)

导读 检验证明。Commodity Inspectionis one of the important parts in foreign trade. It always occurs in now only import...


Commodity Inspectionis one of the important parts in foreign trade. It always occurs in now only import contract but also export contract and covers the quality, quantity, weight, packing etc. stipulated in the contract. Commodity inspection can be devided into first inspection and reinspection.一般中东客户在信用证都要求加上“INSPECTION CERTIFICATE”条款,要求指派某检验公司或某人在发货人工厂、码头、仓库对出口货物进行检查,以保证出口的货物标准、规格、外观、数量和质量等符合合同要求,也叫第三方检验证书。
