
导读 目前关于大家提出的yang的成语这个问题,大家都希望能够得到一个答案,那么小编今天就去收集了一些yang的成语相关的内容来分享给大家,...


杀一儆百 (shā yī jǐng bǎi) - 杀一个儆百, to kill one as a warning to others
守株待兔 (shǒu zhū dài tù) - 守着株木等待兔子, to wait patiently for opportunities to come without making any effort
揠苗助长 (yà miáo zhù zhǎng) - 比喻过早干预或过度殷勤,反而妨碍事物正常成长, to overeagerly assist in the growth of plants and hindering their normal development
画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú) - 比喻多此一举,给已经完美无缺的事物增加了不必要的东西,反而变得不如原来的好, to draw legs on a snake, meaning to add unnecessary things to something that is already perfect, thus making it worse
狗尾续貂 (gǒu wěi xù diāo) - 比喻托大、添乱,不合逻辑,事实不真实, to continue a story that has ended, meaning to make up stories or spread rumors that are inconsistent with logic or facts
阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu) - 比喻不把人当作人对待,把一切人都当成平常的东西。, to treat everyone as ordinary beings, not taking anyone seriously or respecting them appropriately.
