
导读 Dear XXX:How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx……最后:Your Sincerely,某某200x-xx-xx这是格式范文:你的邮件我已经收到但是我们觉...

Dear XXX:How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx……最后:Your Sincerely,某某200x-xx-xx这是格式范文:你的邮件我已经收到但是我们觉得这个材料还是有点不清楚,你能告诉这个材料的特征和功能吗?这样对我们找材料或者代替品将会有帮助。


如果可以的话请加我的MSN,这样方便我们的交流谢谢Your message have been received,but I think this still have the problems at the materials .couly you tell us what is the speciality and function for this paper, that will helpful for us to find the correct materials and the cheaper paper instead .is the paper use for drawing ? Best you can send the sample that will useful for us , You konw we hope to build relationships with you .The materials is our key issues .please add my MSN that can easy communion with you .MSN ID :forestprint@hotmail.com .Hope to hear you from soon.。
