素描人体 Sketch human body 色彩人体 Color human body 线描人物 Line drawing character 工笔重彩 Exquisite brush serious wound 传统壁画临摹 Traditional mural copy 室外写生 design relief craft practice sculpture 构图与形式美学 sketch design clay sculpture photograph 壁画设计 design ceramics craft metal craft 浮雕工艺实践 woodcarving craft paint skill design 雕塑小品设计 the manufacture textile fiber art design 泥塑人像设计 陶瓷工艺 金属工艺 木雕工艺 漆艺设计与制作 纤维艺术设计 Clay sculpture photograph design ceramics craft metal craft woodcarving craft paint skill design and manufacture textile fiber art design。